Participant Recruiting Service

Need Research Participant Recruiting Help?

Recruiting the right participants for research studies can be difficult, and TecEd can help.  Whether you’re planning an in-lab study or a remote research study requiring  participants with geographic diversity, clients praise our ability to meet even the most challenging requirements.

And, because we don’t have a panel or large database of people who are research “regulars,”  the participants we recruit and schedule have a fresh perspective.

People TecEd can recruit

TecEd works with clients to clearly define the characteristics of the target audience, or multiple audiences.   Participant profiles can include general attributes like gender, age, income,  occupation/title,  technology/devices used, as well as other necessary attributes relevant to the product or research goals.   We’ve recruited participants for B2B and B2C clients in almost every industry – from advertising, automotive, healthcare, financial services and military to bioscience, higher education, consumer products, and technology.

Recruiting deliverables TecEd can provide:

  • Creation of a screening questionnaire, online ads, email invitation and phone screen materials
  • Online advertising and email recruitment execution
  • Evaluation of respondent qualifications and follow-up calls to qualify prospective candidates
  • Scheduling of participants (with backups if necessary)
  • Ongoing communication with the client about recruiting status
  • Honorarium disbursement

When scheduling selected participants, the TecEd recruiter will confirm all contact information (work, home and/or mobile phone numbers, plus email) have participants complete necessary release forms (approval for audio/video recording, NDA), provide directions to the session location (if in-lab), and instructions for any necessary pre-session technical setup on their computer or smartphone.

Getting started

If you’d like to learn if TecEd can help you with your participant recruiting project, please fill in a ContactUs form. Provide your email address and phone number, timing of the project and other details –  or just call 734-995-1010 x704.